Pleasant Street
VIsion Study
July 28, 2012 Charette
On July 28th, 2012 OTRCH and Schickel Design conducted a day-long charette at the Emmanuel Center. All area property owners, residents, and stakeholders of any kind were invited to attend. Fifty people attended and vigorously participated in the day-long session. They answered questions, filled out questionnaires, created maps and drawings, listed what they love about Over-the-Rhine (OTR) and what they would like to see moving foward, in terms of the character of the neighborhood. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the neighorhood were listed and discussed. The group was strikingly diverse, representing both the affordable housing and market rate segments of the neighborhood. A great love for the neighborhood came through during the process. A desire to identify, streghthen and protect the existing greatness of the neighborhood, correct weaknesses and make improvements in line with this was expressed. During the varied exercises, charette participants identified five major strengths, five major weaknesses, and five desired characteristics of new development.
Walkable web of small streets and alleys
A human scale
A sense of place
Authetic historic architecture
Lack of pedestrian connection north/south at Liberty
Lack of convenient parking
Lack of variety of affordable places to live
Lost density
Lack of adequate commercial and office space for neighborhood serving businesses
Characteristics of New Development
Pedestrian friendly
Community building
Charette Responses
Charette Pictures