Pleasant Street
VIsion Study
Community Building Elements of the Vision:
Neighborhood Serving Businesses- A dense, compatible combination of uses is at the heart of the success of this neighborhood. The quality of life afforded by each individual residential and business space is what will afford long-term vitality and growth. Essential to this is that each use must respect those around it. It is important that these considerations be placed first, and that commercial/entertainment efforts be done in such a way that they support and enhance, but do not overpower the residential life. We have to provide opportunities for what is needed for people to live here long term.
A "Living Street" at Pleasant - A "living street" is a pedestrian/vehicular street that has a community living room feel. Pleasant Street is a small scale street, between the two major streets of Race and Elm. It is narrow and serves local traffic. Its narrowness tends to encourage driving slowly and people have long been in the habit of walking in the street along Pleasant. The "living street" places traffic arcs in the street where the sidewalk swells out to allow for a tree. This creates a wiggle in the street and encourages slow driving. Bollards are placed where needed to protect trees or bike racks and allow for ground-level light. This "living street" creates a unique sense of place and pedestrian connectedness north/south through the neighborhood.