Pleasant Street
VIsion Study
Diverse Elements of the Vision:
The combination of uses presented here in the Pleasant Street Vision will be the foundation for vitality and growth for many years. The vision is formed out of an underlying idealism of diversity. This vision is designed to be sustainable in the long-term.
Diversity of Income - The Over-the-Rhine Comprehensive Plan provides a specific mixed-income housing model that targets a range of affordabiltiy in the neighborhood (shown in video above). Lack of a variety of affordable places to live was listed as a weakness of the neighborhood in the charette and diversity, including income diversity, is seen as a key goal. Experience has shown that without intentionality, affordable housing may not get developed. Additionally, market housing prices in the area have risen significantly over the past year and a half, further challenging the sustainability of current and future affordable housing.
Diversity of Uses - Multi-family residential, single-family infill townhouses and commercial/mixed use buildings (which combine residential, commercial, office and parking) are in close proximity but related so as to strengthen one another.
The multi-family uses are primarily located in renovated historic buildings and new mixed-use buildings. It is proposed that the multi-family use be a combination of both rental and condominium projects to satisfy a diversity of needs and income levels. All units should of course be well designed and highly energy efficient.
Support for continued townhouse development was expressed during the charette and other input sessions. The successful sales of the City Home Cincinnati project in the 1400 block of Pleasant Street indicates a strong demand for this kind of development. Infill townhouses are proposed on Pleasant Street and along Elm Street.
Mixed-Use buildings - Rebuilding density is an important part of success in quality of life and the growth of an urban environment in this small part of Over-the-Rhine and downtown in general. It makes commercial enterprise more feasible, helps with safety, and rebuilds a necessary tax base. The vision shows two larger, new mixed-use building complexes; one on Race and one on Liberty. Mixed-use buildings provide an opportunity for both affordable and market rate rentals, as well as for-sale condominiums. New office and commercial space will also be located on the first or second floors of these complexes.
Diversity of Building Types - The Vision Study recommends preserving and rehabilitating every historic structure that remains in the area. New infill construction is proposed for the empty lots to rebuild density in the area.